Unexplained weight gain can be frustrating and concerning. There are a variety of potential causes, ranging from lifestyle factors like diet and exercise to underlying medical conditions. Getting to the root cause typically requires a systematic evaluation and testing by a healthcare provider. Some potential causes of sudden or unexplained weight gain include:

  • Fluid retention: Conditions like heart failure or liver disease can cause fluid buildup and swelling. Certain medications like corticosteroids can also cause fluid retention.
  • Thyroid dysfunction: An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) slows metabolism and can lead to weight gain over time. Blood tests help diagnose thyroid issues.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): This hormonal disorder often causes weight gain around the midsection along with irregular periods, excess hair growth, and infertility.
  • Cushing's syndrome: Excess cortisol production from the adrenal glands leads to central obesity, a rounded face, and other issues. Testing determines if this rare disorder is the culprit.
  • Medications: Antidepressants, antipsychotics, anti-seizure drugs, diabetes medications, and corticosteroids are some that list weight gain as a common side effect.
  • Lifestyle factors: significant weight gain can occur from increased calorie intake, larger food portions, physical inactivity, inadequate sleep, high alcohol consumption, and other habits. Tracking diet, activity, sleep etc. is insightful.
Diagnosing the underlying cause involves blood work to check hormone levels (thyroid, cortisol etc.), imaging scans to identify tumors or organ enlargement, evaluation of medications and supplements, consideration of mental health conditions that affect weight, and a thorough history to uncover changes in lifestyle, diet, activity level, and health events preceding the weight fluctuation. Managing weight gain depends on the cause but can include:
  • Adjusting problematic medications if suitable alternatives exist
  • Treating conditions causing fluid retention, hormone dysfunction etc.
  • Improving diet quality and eating nutrient-dense whole foods
  • Increasing physical activity - even light exercise helps!
  • Addressing sleep deficiencies and alcohol overuse
  • Making sustainable lifestyle modifications
  • Working with nutritionists and personal trainers
  • Considering weight loss medications or surgery for some causes
Unexplained weight gain can be complex and multifactorial. Being persistent with medical evaluations while adopting beneficial lifestyle changes helps determine the reason and achieve healthy, sustained weight loss over time.

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